290 : looking closer

As I've said before, I enjoy looking at the details, far more than the big picture. It's the little things that most people miss that fascinate me. Take our trip to Forneris Farm, sure, I snapped some pictures of the aisles of corn, but most of my time was spent taking photos of corn silk, strangely growing corn, and the place where the the leaves branched out from the stems of the corn stalks.

Happy that I got some good shots, as I was walking out of the maze I noticed a peach-colored mound on top of a bent corn leaf. And a spider web beneath it (if you've been following, you know I have a thing for photographing webs). So I got close and started snapping some shots... at first I thought it was the slight breeze that made it appear that the mound was moving... But then I realized that, no, the mound in fact, really was moving. And all those teeny tiny specs were actually little spiders crawling all over. Of the hundreds of people that have walked past that very leaf, I'm betting no one even knows this was here.

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