80 : dares

Most of us have taken a dare at some point in our lives. Recently a brave friend of ours, Jeff, took a crazy dare involving BeanBoozled™ jelly beans from Jelly Belly® Jelly Beans . If you haven't heard of them, the basic gist is that Jelly Belly® thought they would toy with your taste-buds... and gag reflex by mixing in "crazy" flavors with their regular flavors. The dare...to bravely try a flavor from the box not knowing if it is regular or not. They traded black licorice with skunk, peach with barf, chocolate pudding with dog food, and well, just check out the chart to get the full effect:

Although the thrill of a dare makes us happy, the results on this one, not as much. Sorry Jeff! You have no fear!! We did though. We tried toothpaste and baby wipes but only got as far as cutting the other ones in half and taking a smell. Jeff, how you were able to stomach almost every single one of those "crazy" flavors is "crazy"!

If anyone wants to make a game out of it, you can even get the BeanBoozled™ Gift Box complete with a spinning arrow that decides your flavor fate.

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